
This week’s poem inspired by the stunning contrasts between my new home town of Nyborg on Fyn in Denmark and my beloved Dhaka, which I left a few short weeks ago. Contrasts which make everything more vivid and notable.





From the corner of my eye

occasional cars through glass

on neat, sunlit street.



wonder-filled frustration

in Dhaka’s mid-morning chaos.



Nyborg 2016

Tuscany Landscape

A short visit to Tuscany was something which could not be contained in a single poem. so here is a second one, while the memories of those beautiful days are still fresh.


Tuscany Landscape


Olive groves, yellow-furred almonds,

row upon row of ripening grapes.

Maize dust-pale for harvest,

head-drooping sunflower schools,

stubble lands waiting for ploughs

or winter bareness.


Ochre red, yellow terracotta roofed

historical villages climbing

steep-sided Tuscany hills,

patiently patrolled by Italian cypress.


Below, late summer

hardiness hints of Africa,

above, high blue whispers dust

on far horizons.


Burnt sienna afternoon air,

lizards flick at visions edge,

butterflies explode colour bombs,

while cicadas enthusiastically file

dry, dry tunes on string instruments.


Chianni, Tuscanny, 2016

Tuscany Yoga

This week’s poem, inspired by a beautiful week celebrating Mum’s 80th birthday in Italy. Lots of time with siblings and family… and yoga on the lawn overlooking the morning landscape.


Tuscany Yoga


Gold and silver sunrise,

flame streaked sky. Soft hills

rise from softer mist. Silence

broken by morning birds

busy in dew dripping fig trees.


Cautious kitten months away

from first avian catch

contents herself with insects. Fingers oiled,

scented by crushed lemon leaves.

Sisters’ sun salutation on hillside lawn.


Chianni, Tuscany 2016

Flight Delay

This week’s much delayed poem, inspired by the long flights, rushes and delays that make up intercontinental travel when things don’t go exactly as planned.


Flight Delay


Leather, perfume-scented

Intercontinental echo

chambers of exhaustion.


Dusseldorf 2016