
I have for a number of years, written a poem on or around my birthday, looking back at the past year. Usually I love looking back at the events and lessons of life, but this year was a hard one. It is one of those years that everything else that happens will be remembered in relation to whether it was before or after that date.




It‘s that calendar day when I check off another year

A year I could not imagine I’d live through


A year full of dates and events I shall never forget

A year with more tears than laughter

But in the end, the best of years

The year my son survived



Kampala, October 2017

3 thoughts on “Fifty-one

  1. Thank you Rilla for this short poem, that says it all. It is a year all of us, who followed your little family close, will never forget.. all the best for your new year-

  2. Rilla. I am back in Bangladesh for a while helping out with the Rohingya response. That was a pretty powerful poem on your son. We will survive. Many won’t. Love to you all.

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