What I would share

You cannot always be generous,

Sometimes there are things that you are not ready to share

Things you must for a time hold on to

There are times when you feel the insecurity of scarcity

and cannot believe in abundance

You cannot always be generous,

But please,

Don’t be mean


You cannot always be genuine

Sometimes you do not know yourself, your mind

You fear the light is too bright for your true colors

The cards too clearly staked against you

Your courage lets you down

You cannot always be genuine

But please,

Don’t be false


You cannot always be kind

Sometimes you feel repelled, repulsed

Sometimes you have to turn away, turn your back and walk

Sometimes your soul is small and scared

You haven’t any strength to spare

You cannot always be kind

But please

Don’t be cruel



Dhaka 2013

2 thoughts on “What I would share

  1. It is truly a motivational poem. Your verses are simple but extraordinary. Yes sometimes we do feel not to share our feelings with someone. We just don’t want to share them. That doesn’t mean we are lying. That only means we are not ready to share our inner feelings. We can’t be mean to someone if we don’t want to share. Sometimes we don’t have enough courage to raise our voice, to stand against the injustice, but that doesn’t mean we would take a false step to justify our act. There are situations when we turn our back knowing that we should be kind towards people. We can’t gather strength to be kind to them when they are in peril. It’s better not to be cruel to them if we can’t help them. Cruelty makes us the worst sort of person.

    Once again it’s an amazing poem dear.

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