Today’s News

Today’s News


I’ve cut down on News. Today’s headlines are just too hard,

I take the articles further down; analysis, human interest.

And then I thought, maybe I could just write my own.

True news, real news; that last evening was spent by most people,

Not in war or politics, but eating and talking with family or friends.

That most parents hurried home to cook and spend time with kids.

Millions took showers, and felt water refresh their skin.

During the night most people slept, reasonably well-fed, in their own beds

And this morning had coffee or tea and something to eat.

Despite some obvious differences of opinion,

Most people wished most others well.

There were countess siblings who made an effort to meet,

Old friends organizing reunions, cousins sending birthday wishes,

Classmates laughing over group tasks, children making up games,

Acquaintances smiling and nodding as they passed on the street.

There were a surprising number of strangers lending a helping hand.

In numerous places people avoided using plastic straws,

Reused shopping bags, sent items to thrift shops.

White lies were told, but usually to protect feelings.

Most mobile phones and laptops, with all their multiple uses,

Were occupied in sending messages about little events,

Aiding people who like each other, to stay in touch and feel close.

With no written guarantees some people chose to bring new life into the world

And a surprising number of unlikely individuals fell in love,

Ignoring the obvious risks.

All-in-all, despite the headlines,

There was more good news than bad.


Kampala 2018


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